Tuesday, September 6, 2016

There she goes

It's September! How is this possible?

Eisley girl is starting to become a finger food fanatic! She loves getting to feed herself. It's so cute (and super messy) to watch.

College football season is here! Parker dressed the part for opening day. ;)

Little Miss is SO close to crawling - SO CLOSE. She can get her little legs up under her and she tries to go! Neither of the boys did the army, worm-like crawl but Eisley totally is doing that right now. It's hilarious.

A balloon landed down the street from us! Eisley had had a really rough night the night before, so I was trying to sleep in on Saturday morning and the kids all ran in yelling about the balloon. So I got up, pulled on a sweatshirt and was brushing my teeth to go and Nathan runs back in yelling, "What are you doing? We don't have time for this!" We always have time to brush teeth, kid. Always.

She is coming for me - ha! She's getting better and better at getting her tummy off the floor!

She got me. ;)

Love this of our little planker on Dad. She gets so proud of herself and just yells and babbles to let us know how excited we should be for her. ;)

It must be fall!! #PSL

Nathan was supposed to illustrate a little book about fall on this day and I read him the assignment, went upstairs and put Eisley down for a nap and when I came back down, he was wearing this little label on his shirt - "ILLUSTRATOR". Ha! That's my boy - excited about everything!

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