Friday, August 26, 2016

Bouquets of sharpened pencils

Love that line. Love that movie. And I think of that line every year around this time!

We have had a full week over here! Still trying to settle into the new house, still painting (I'm convinced we will NEVER be done with the painting), still getting the hang of the new school year and still busy as ever. ;)

We went to Uncle Bryant's birthday party at their new house! Love these two so much.

 Parker loves Uncle Bryant too. ;)

Morning smiles with my baby love.

Such sweet times with these two when big brother is at school. We are slowly getting more used to him being gone Mondays and Wednesdays.

There was a giant rainbow outside so all my mismatched jammied children ran outside to see it. They were standing there and I realized, I found the pot of gold!! I mean, look at those treasures. :)

On this day, Nathan's extra credit assignment was to go geo-caching, which we'd never done before. So, a long, unexpected hike through the bosque later...

We found a Lego Man cache. ;)

When Nathan is gone, Parker wants to do five things - build trains, build puzzles, build forts and watch Go Diego Go. I think because when Nathan is home, Parker gets absolutely zero say in how any of those are built and he often gets talked out of Diego. ;)

It's so fun to see who this kid is without Big Brother around. ;)

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