01 02 03 Erynn's Blog: Eisley is two months old! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Eisley is two months old!

I cannot CANNOT believe how quickly the time is going by - she is just getting so big so fast!

Sweet Eisley girl is just such a joy! She is so happy, so content and has the cutest little wrinkled nose smile. We cannot get enough of her!

She is wearing 0-3 month clothes. She loves to be held and feel like she's a part of the excitement. She is a fantastic sleeper! When we are at home, she takes several good naps a day in her bed, if we are out, she does a great job sleeping in her car seat or the wrap. She loves to be held in the wrap or Ergo!! At night, she is just the best sleeper ever and we are SO thankful!!

She has started getting so interactive! She will try (and often succeed!) at sticking her tongue out when you stick it out at her. She always returns smiles! She loves to stand up and loves to sit up straight. ;) She's so happy all of the time!

We had her two month check up and she got a clean bill of health and several shots (which I cried again. It's now a tradition for each of my kids' two month shots). She did good with them! She cried a little and was a little more fussy the rest of the day, but she was back to her cheerful self by the next morning.

At her appointment on March 9th, Eisley weighed 11 pounds 9 ounces, which puts her in the 34th percentile. She was 22 inches long, which puts her in the 9th percentile and her head was 38.5 centimeters around, which is the 35th percentile.

She is TINY. Both of the boys have always been in the 80-90th percentile for height. I knew she was smaller than both of them, I just didn't realize how much smaller! She's just our sweet little pint-sized girl and we could not love her more!

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