Thursday, August 2, 2012

God is good

The surgery went well!  Her doctor was able to get the entire cyst out of the left ovary.  She said the ovary looks really good now.  The cyst on the right ovary had ruptured, but her doctor cleaned it up, as well as cleaning out the rest of the endometriosis.  There was a lot more endometriosis than her doctor had expected there would be, so the surgery was longer than anticipated. Her doctor was amazed that Erynn wasn't in a lot of pain after seeing her insides.  Apparently, Erynn has a much higher pain tolerance than we had originally thought! :)

Erynn is home now and resting comfortably.  Thank you so much for all of your prayers.  Continue to pray for Erynn as she heals and focuses on the future.

God is good.

Susan - aka -  Erynn's mom, Nathan's Bimi or Mimi or Gammy  :)


  1. Thankful that the doctors got all of the endometriosis removed. Thoughts and prayers coming your way for healing.


  2. Yay! I'm so glad things went well!

  3. Thanks for the update, Erynn's mom! Really glad they didn't have to remove any ovaries!
    I've been having some moderate pelvic pain & am going to the dr next Monday. I'm a little nervous. My mom had endo & athouth her pain was excruiating & knowing erynn doesn't have that pain, makes me wonder if I have it too. It still could be something else though.
    I hope the diet helps & that you heal quickly. Been praying

  4. Thanks for the update. I was was thinking of Erynn today :)

  5. Thanks for the update! I'm so glad that it went well! I'll continue to pray! : )

  6. Yay! I'll keep praying!

  7. Thanks for the update. Praying she recovers quickly!

  8. Thanks for the updates. Still praying for a follow Endometriosis suffer.

  9. Such great news! Keeping you in my prayers, sweet girl.

  10. I am so glad it all went well. I was praying for you throughout the day of the surgery, Erynn.

  11. Thanks so much for the update! Glad to hear the good report. Will continue praying for your precious family. :)

  12. So glad to hear! Keeping y'all in my prayers! here's to a speedy recovery and much rest! God bless :)
