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Waking up in Whoville

This is a typical shot of Nathan every weekday morning:

We are pretty fond of Cindy Lou Who's brother. ;)

We spent the weekend painting, painting and painting! Jon and I started taping up Nathan's room before he went to bed Friday, painted until late Friday night and then got up and painted the whole day on Saturday. I love how it turned out! I'll show before and afters next post. :)

Nathan and Kody stayed occupied outside Friday night while we finished up taping. Nathan adores Kody.

Kody is still not too fond of Nathan unless he's eating something. ;)

My amazing parents came and picked up Nathan Saturday morning and took him out to get donuts, per his request. Stinker. He's so funny. His birthday visit to Krispy Kreme apparently struck a memory chord, because he has talked about it since. "And den we got donuts?" Mom and Dad kept him the rest of the day so we could get Nathan's room done. Thank you all so much!!

We also celebrated my brother Caleb's birthday on Saturday, so as soon as we finished painting we showered really fast and then raced over to meet everyone for a birthday dinner. We went to a Mexican food restaurant here that Caleb loves and Nathan very, very LOUDLY sang Happy Birthday to him during dinner. The people sitting right behind us started clapping and then the rest of the room started clapping. Ha! I was crying I was laughing so hard. And Nathan was so proud of himself. Poor Caleb. ;)

 Nathan is still the resident helper when it comes to unwrapping gifts. ;)

My brother and my mom with a version of her infamous baseball cake. For the record, I liked this version a lot better, mostly because it was really mine and Caleb's favorite dessert, Oreo Smush, just dressed up a little. ;)

Bryant and Nathan decided to photo bomb Caleb and Gammy. ;)

Me and the birthday boy. I could not ask for better brothers than the ones God gave me!

Today, Nathan and I went to Lunch Bunch at Leigh Ann's house and played (i.e. pushed, shoved, kicked, hugged, and said, "I swowwy!" 162 times). So much fun! And Eryn brought sweet little Gracie who was born on Nathan's birthday! I love that they are birthday buddies!! This is an awful picture but all I had was my phone and it was difficult to get anything that didn't have constant movement in it with that many kids around. ;)

Nathan and Bennett. The boys have to stick together in this sea of girls. Especially since the only other boy there, Nathan's dear friend Joel, is going to be leaving us to go to kindergarten in August. We are very sad about this.

We ran to the grocery story afterwards, came home, I put Nathan down and I am sitting here about to go get my second glass of sweet iced tea. It has been SO HOT lately. I am so very, very ready for fall!! I am not a warm-weathered person at all.

But as for me, I will always have hope.
- Psalm 71:14
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