Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Baseball Party

There has been very little talked of in our house with Nathan over the last two months other than his "happy" and his "beeball pawty". Almost everyday he would make some reference to his "happy beeball pawty."

It was SO fun when it finally was here!

When we were trying to decide what theme to go with the obvious choices were baseball and Mickey Mouse. Baseball just seemed to be the easier theme to recreate because really, what does Mickey Mouse eat?? ;)

We totally embraced the stadium experience. Hot dogs, popcorn, Cracker Jacks, nachos. We had every form of sugar you could imagine. Cokes, snow cones, cotton candy, cake... But you only turn two once, right? ;)

My birthday boy! This is "weekend Nathan" at Gammy and Pops - the boy rarely wears a shirt when he's around the pool.

This was Nathan's favorite, favorite, favorite part of the party - the Slip N Slide!! Jon probably pushed him down that thing at least seventy times and I wish I was kidding. He was shaking the water was so cold and he kept wanting to go do it again.

Happy birthday boy!

He thinks he's pretty cool. His mom is in agreement. ;)

My favorite two boys in the entire world - love these two so much I can't even stand it.

The babies just got passed around all the grandparents. ;) The little one is my neighbor's new son, Josiah, and the other is Mel's son Bennett. My parents and grandmother worked super hard helping us get the party set up - thank you so much! I am so grateful for you all!

Kids' table!! Love Julia's expression in the last one. ;)

Everyone lining up for snow cones! My siblings - Caleb, Cayce, Bryant and their friend Amanda - worked SO hard to equally dispense the sugar. ;) Thank you so much!! :)

My siblings were a big hit with the kids. ;) Nathan adores his aunt and uncles!

Every single present was met with a loud round of "WHOA!!" and "WOW!" Ha!

I love the helpers. ;)

The baseball pinata!! Whoever makes those things at Party City did a stand-up job because it seriously took like 20 minutes to break that thing. Nathan got bored and ended up here:

I love how he's still watching the pinata action. ;)

But it finally broke and you could totally pick out the kids who knew what a pinata was and what was in it. ;)

Making off with the fruit snack loot. ;)

I LOVE THIS CAKE! Fun story about this cake - my mom made this exact cake for both of my brothers when they were little. I think Caleb requested it every year from ages three to seven. ;) I love that she made it for Nathan!!

Cutie blowing out the candles.

Frosting face. Gotta love the green teeth that accompany this cake. ;)

The birthday boy's exhausted parents. It's hard work having a kid turn two!! I crashed big time once we got home. I was so bummed though to realize that we never got a picture of everyone in their baseball outfits - my whole family and a lot of our friends wore baseball T-shirts. Jon, Bryant and Caleb had those stick-on eye black and they wrote on them so when they stood next to each other it said, "Nathan O'Brien Is Two Years Old". Ha! Love it!!

The post-birthday cake pool rinse. He had to try on Daddy's eye black. ;)

Oh how I love my boy!! Thank you so much to all of our friends and family who made his birthday such a wonderfully special weekend!! We love you all so much!


  1. YAY!! The party post! Looks like SUCH A BLAST!!!! We hate that we missed his special day, but I am so glad it was such a HIT!!! ;-)

  2. He is just sooo stinkin cute!!

  3. Such a cute party!! Loved all of the pictures! : )
