01 02 03 Erynn's Blog: A new book!!! :) 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

A new book!!! :)

Look what is coming in September!!!

Yay!! The date got pushed back from its original release in May, but I'm so excited for you guys to meet Kate!

I'll be back with a real post about it soon - like a synopsis and I don't know, maybe a giveaway. ;) Nathan has had a HORRIBLE afternoon as far as things like mood, naps and sanity (actually, that last one might be mine). We're sneezing all over the place out here since everything is in bloom. Which doesn't really help the overall morale.

But I was just too excited to wait any longer to post this!!! :)

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